Friday 26 September 2014


Friday, 26th September 2014

The first thing that I remembered Dr. Wan has said is about our test on 10th October. Oh no!!! Just about two weeks from now.

Looks like I have to be serious on study. I want a great result as I have to prove that I have chose the right course to my parents who did not like me to be in microbiology field.  For today's class, I forgot to bring my External Structure of Procaryotes' notes because I only thought about the other notes which was the Internal Structure of Procaryotes. Just like you Dr. Wan hehehe. We learned about what written in the notes and I also got a few extra information from Dr. Wan.


As this is already the third week I write this diary, I really feel microbiology is very interesting. I have read but not remember some new attractive information while writing this diary. Thank you Dr. Wan. This diary give me more so much benefits.

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