Sunday 5 October 2014

Focus Is Not With Me

Friday, 3rd October 2014

Erghh I don't know what to write in this diary because I don't know what I learn today. All of us are going back home since Eid Adha is around the corner. Everyone are excited as well as me but I don't know how will I go back. I have planned with my sister to go back together but suddenly I have meeting with my new academic adviser and my sister also have to go somewhere to settle her work first. During today's class I kept messaging my sister to confirm either she want to pick me up or I have to go back by commuter. Hee sorry Dr. Wan :D Seriously, I can't remember much about today's lesson plus I don't bring my external structures of prokaryotes' note. Hee again, sorry Dr. Wan :D The only thing I want to highlight here is Dr. Wan asked a question to me, Azny and Alia and I have answered the question wrongly. Embarrassing hmmph. Next time, I'll just keep quiet when being ask in class hihihi.

Hari Raya Qurban is coming peeps! Yuhuuu~ As usual many things have to be done such as cooking and cleaning the house. I only have two siblings, so we are busy doing preparation for the hari raya. I think I have to submit this diary first and add the information I've learned next time. Lastly, as we are celebrating hari raya, I want to say sorry to Dr. Wan for what I've done wrong to you and also thank you for make me inspired and get interest to be in this microbiology field.

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