Wednesday 29 October 2014

It Worth A Lot

Tuesday, 28th October 2014

The assignment that has made me stress but happy, "THANK A MICROBE"~

The Preparation

My group, Group 8 has decided to thank a microbe that beneficial in food. So, Alia, Azny, Aina, Raidah and I chose Lactobacillus plantarum as a microbe that we want to study. We almost change our microbe because we didn't find more of it's  application besides fermenting food. But, after searched in many websites, we also found out that this bacterium helps in digesting food in our intestine. Thus, we kept proceed our works.
We divided our jobs into two. Aina and Raidah has done the poster, while Azny, Alia and I has done the video. We used a video apps called PowToon as I suggested to them because it is really easy to use this apps. We only did both of our poster and video about 2 weeks. I feel like I cannot believe we managed to do this in short time, plus this is the very first exhibition that we involved.
All of our preparations went smoothly but when the d-day is coming, Dr. Wan told us that there are some mistakes in our poster which is we put the negative impacts of Lactobacillus plantarum. So, we have to find another applications of it. Luckily we found that it also helps stimulate our body to produce antibodies.
For the props, we just bought some of the products that has Lactobacillus plantarum in it such as yogurt and chocolate. We wrote a few questions and put them in a box. This is for quiz time. Our board was the most colorful one with balloons and sometime it looks like this exhibition is for kindergarten school hahaha.

The Exhibition Day

9 o'clock today, we supposed to gather at the faculty foyer to do our last preparation like attach the poster and set up the props. I was the one who kept the poster for our group and I was very shock when we open our poster. The poster has been changed! It was not our's! We were quite panicked that morning but we were so lucky that our poster was at the printing shop as told by the shop's owner when we called them. Fuhh...
We have to record a group video presenting our selected microbe. We done it without much preparation and practicing at all. Just go with the flow~ hihihi. After that we have our lunch and Dr. Wan also gave us some food. As example, amplang, peanuts and drinks.
2 0'clock, the exhibition started. For sooooooo long we have to waited the judges, maybe they have some works to settle first. Our judges, Dr. Chin Chin and Dr. Mas Jaffri didn't ask many question, maybe because it's already late and outside, it's raining heavily.
What make me impressed was a question from Dr. Jeff which we cannot answer, instead he was the one who explain to us. He told that Lactobacillus plantarum can help to stimulate producing of antibodies for a particular disease by insert the gene of the virus or bacteria in the Lactobacillus plantarum through genetic engineering. When we consume something that has that L.plantarum, our body can against the disease.
Once, I think genetic is very interesting, but after learned it during foundation, it's a quite hard topic and I don't want to take it during degree. Now, I am thinking again whether to learn it again or not. Let's just see later hehe.
Besides, I also knew about other microbes that my course-mates presenting like the one that Chew's group has chose which can treat cancer by shrinking the tumor and for Awin's group which the microbe can help reduce the pollution when oil spilled in sea water ( I guess, don't really remember)
I improved myself in communicating with English language, gain confidence in presenting to people, learned to work in teams and a lot more during this exhibition. It is totally worth for all of us to join this despite we are tired.

Our Happy Faces :D 

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