Friday 17 October 2014

I Can't Hear You

Tuesday, 14th October 2014

How should I say this? Stress? Maybe. Why? Because firstly, I thought we are going to continue learning about protozoa but suddenly Dr. Wan asked to find our own notes about algae and fungi. If I can access internet in my room so it's okay, but I can't. I have to go to class early today and luckily the faculty's wifi was functioning well. 

My Notes

The second thing that make me stress was SKP2101 test in the evening. I have read the notes but can't remember anything. It kept worrying me and also the all the rest. Dr. Wan also noticed that most of us have a worry faces. Pity Dr. Wan because she had to face the students who look like they do not interested in the lesson. Sorry Dr. Wan.

Besides, there's also a good news that made us very happy. We got no class for the next Friday! Assa, I can go home early. Hahaha But I think this happiness is not going to remain long. More assignments are waiting for us, right? Hmm. Ahha I remember something. We showed the poster that we have made to Dr. Wan and it's quite ok. Alhamdulillah. 

These are all that happen today. Till we meet again. Byebye~

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