Sunday 12 October 2014

The Day Has Come !!!

Friday, 10th October 2014

The day has come. Test test test!!! I felt like I want to cry this morning because I still can't remember many things. "How I gonna take this test?" Plus, I didn't answer the quiz in edmodo yet. I couldn't access the internet using uspot and I also cannot renew my mobile data erghh how frustrating. Hmm about the test, it was so-so, not too difficult but not too easy and some were quite confusing. Err lets not talk about it, just wait and see the result later. We also have replacement class today :'( We discussed in groups on the best way to study Microbiology based on the next topic, protozoa. One more time, I did the mind map. Before, I never did mind map to study but now I felt that it was quite helpful for me to remember some lessons. I think this is all for today's diary. I couldn't write long since I'm borrowing my friend's laptop. See again next week :)

*Still got problem with both the wifi and my phone :'( :'( :'(

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