Saturday 1 November 2014


31st October 2014

Say bye-bye to October because today is already it's last day. And say hi-hi to the upcoming November hahaha. What I want to say actually is time flew too fast. I still remember the day I registered in UPM in September but now, I have been here for 2 months. Pheww.

OK, let's just continue about today's lesson. Dr. Wan has reminded us many times to study about algae and fungi. She also told to bring our own devices, BYOD like she said in whatssap hehe. I thought she want to do some quiz for today so I try hard to read the notes at night.

During the lesson, Dr. Wan just taught us like usual. The things that I remember most about these two topics is the algae bloom and when she said that we have to just throw away the bread that has fungi on it. Why? It is because I think algae bloom is so beautiful but I never see this phenomena. The bread, hahaha I always do the opposite thing to what she said. It is such a wasteful to throw away the bread. Usually I or even my mother will just cut the defective parts.

After we finished each topic, Dr. Wan asked us to open the Putra LMS site. Hoho It's crossword puzzle. I like it but I don't remember the answer. I need to read a few times before I can really remember a lessons hmmph :( At first, I can access the website but suddenly what have I done in the puzzle disappear and I can't open the LMS anymore. Erghh so frustrated!!! Only when I went back to hostel I can send the tasks, luckily...

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