Friday 14 November 2014

Proud To Learn With The Dean ;D

11th November 2014

Today's class was a little bit different because Dr. Wan was not with us. We will be teaches by our faculty's dean, Datin Paduka Prof. Khatijah for four weeks and she will be teaching us Genetics topic. Yeayy !! I like this topic but it's hard for me actually. Hmmm.

So, let's talk about today's lesson with Prof. Khaty. She said that she has been stop give lecture for a long years. She tell us to bear with her as we might feel that her lecture is boring. Haha so cute and of course she is very kind. I think her way of teaching is just okay. Err, we still did not get the lecture notes so, I was a little bit lost at that time. But luckily this was the last topic (I think) that I learn during foundation. I can refreshed a bit about it as this is one of my favuorite topic. I hope I can learn well with Prof. Khaty since she has many experiences in this genetic field.

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