Friday 21 November 2014

I am so naughty~ XD

Friday, 21st November 2014

8.00 o'clock. Replacement class with Dr. Wan. We covered the Virus topic that she didn't teach us before. I understand more about this topic than the last time when I just read the notes to do the mind map hihi. It's really true that we can understand better if we have read what we going to learn before the class. I need to do this next time. Definitely. In sha Allah :)

11.00 o'clock. Microbe class with Prof. Khaty but I didn't attend it hehehe. Actually I wanted to go back home yesterday and skip all the classes for today but my mom didn't allow me. So sad :'( When I was eating after the replacement class, my friend called and told that our schoolmates came to UPM. Then, suddenly I remembered my actual plan. So, I just took a bus and went to K10 to meet my friends. Hehe this is what I always do during foundation whenever I feel stress. I always go back home or go to other universities which I have friends there. But here in UPM, this is the very first time. Instead of going home, I met my friends which make me happy. Arghh!!! I really want to go home now!!! It is a very naughty of me actually to skip a class but at least I can really laugh with them although it's just for a short time...

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