Saturday 15 November 2014

Yihaa !!!

14 November 2014

I have waited so much for this day. We went to Shah Alam Convention Center (SACC). Yeayy!!! Some of our friends participated in NUCeL 2014 (National University Carnival For e-Learning) which are Choy, Chew, Megat, May Ling and Veronica. So, Dr. Wan promised to bring us together to see the carnival. This was a very good experience for me as a chance like this will not always I can get. I have saw some of the booth like Microbe In A Box from our Microbiology's seniors, I-Learn from UiTM (I'm an ex-UiTM student :D ) and an innovation about solat but I didn't remember from which university (I think it's from KUIS). After that, we have microbe's class on 3.00 pm. I was quite exhausted at that time and luckily Prof. Khaty ended the class early. We learned about gene expression for that class. The bad thing on that time was the weather was so bad. It's raining heavily and I was all wet when arrived at the college. Although it was like that, I'm satisfied with what I got today; new experience and new knowledges.

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