Sunday 9 November 2014

So Exciting !!!

Friday, 7th November 2014

Hi hi hi !! We meet again after almost a week hahaha. There was no microbiology class on last Tuesday. The Malaysian Nationhood class also has been cancelled. YAY!!I AM FREE FOR THE WHOLE DAY. Just wanna say this kekeke.

Me on that day.

But before our today's class begin, Dr. wan asked us to submit the mind map of viruses. So, here it is...

*zoom to read it.

In the class, guess what we did... We played games. So Exciting!!! But it was not only just games. We asked question about "The Structure Of Eukaryotes" in all of our games. I didn't take pictures that time but just by looking at this list of games, surely you know how happy we are.

1) Poison Box (Flagella, cilia & cytoplasm)
2) Role-play (Cell membrane)
3) Spin Your Ribosome (Ribosome)
4) Dart Quiz (Nucleus)
5) Jump Lysosome Jump (Lysosome)
6) Bingo (Vacoule)
7) Lucky Bottle(Smooth endoplasmic reticulum)
8) Wheel Decide (Rough endoplasmic reticulum)
9) Golgi Penalty (Golgi apparatus)
10) Quiz Oh Quiz (Mitochondria)

Dr. Wan said that we cannot refer to our notes during the game. But to be honest, I have cheated hihihi :D I downloaded the notes just before the class start so I didn't have time to read it. I also not really remember what I have learned during foundation. Well, the best solution to escape from the cruel punishments of the other groups is look at the notes. Sorry friends and sorry to myself also because of this bad attitude hmmm. Besides, I didn't really hear the questions asked and their answer, so that's why I kept looking the notes or otherwise I will just get back home with emptiness of knowledge. Err, nothing else to say I guess. Till then, bye.

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