Wednesday 24 September 2014


Monday, 22nd September 2014

Today's diary will be better than before. Why? Because I am jealous with the diary that Dr.Wan showed in class. This does not mean I want Dr. Wan to show my diary to everyone. I envy the diary's owner's effort to search more details and information about what we have learned. As this is the spirit that Dr. Wan want in everyone of us, I will try to have it in myself and make this diary as my kind of short notes.

Here it comes! As usual, before the class start once again I hear the word that I hate; ASSIGNMENT. There are a few changes on our project Adopt A Microbe. And know what, I have to do another assignment INDIVIDUALLY. I don't know what others feel but for me, I WANNA GO HOME NOW! Adopt A Microbe project has changed to Thank A Microbe, which will be more focusing on a microbe's application such as in food, environment, medical, agriculture and industry. Adopt A Microbe project still has to be done but individually I hate this and in a form of scrapbook.

  • Diary : Every Sunday before 11.59 pm
  • E-Portfolio : 21st December 2014
  • Decided microbe : 7th October 2014
  • Thank A Microbe : 18th October 2014
  • Adopt A Microbe : 9th December 2014
Fuhh! *Wipe forehead 

Now, let's see what I have learned. Today's topics are History Of Microbiology and Microscopy.


  • Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek - handcrafted-microscope, the first to observed single-celled organism(animalcules)
  • Robert Hooke - Micrographia, study on thin slices of cork, coined "cell", Cell Theory(all living thins are composed of cells)
  • Spontaneous generation(life arise spontaneously from non-living matter) vs Biogenesis( living cells can only arise from preexisting living cells) - Louis Pasteur
  • Robert Korh - Koch's Postulate
  • Edward Jenner - coined the term "vaccination"


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