Wednesday 17 September 2014


Friday, 12th September 2014

Today is the second class of microbiology, which Dr. Wan has start to give lecture. But, before that she give us "To-do List" that contain things we should has for this subject. The things are SCL grouping, Google calendar, Edmodo, Padlet, Blendspace and Jing. But till now, I still didn't download the Jing. Hahaha Next, we learn about microbiology! There are a few things regarding today's class that I still remember. As example, benefits of microbes; digest food, pH treatment, as vaccine and for pharmaceutical drugs. Dr. Wan also mentioned about a fungus that produce penicillin (antibiotic). She wants us to ask the doctor in charge to write the name of antibiotic given to us in case we fall sick, so that there is something we can learn from it. Before class ends, Dr. Wan gives us 2-minutes-task where we have to write whatever we remember along the lesson in two minutes. Another one we do is "Muddiest Points". I don't know how to describe it. I just write that I am not familiar with all those microbes mentioned by her before hahaha. Actually, many new things we learned in this 2 hours class but, unfortunately my brain did not working well at that time. Hmmph So, this are the only things I remember. I hope I can get more knowledge in the next class.

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