Wednesday 24 September 2014

When I feel sleepy... zzZZzzZZ

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014

I feel bored for the first hour in today's class. We learned about types of staining. Seriously I said, it's a boring topic. But, this topic is very important for our laboratory class. So, I have no choice but to listen, understand and remember all the types of stains and their uses. Here are my messy notes hahaha. *Lazy to type because I'm sleepy right now

 So messy~

The next one hour we are asked by Dr. Wan to do a group work which is a mind map on external structure of procaryotes. This is what my group has done. But the sad think is Dr. Wan said that our image is not clear and have to be convert into pdf form which we don't know how. Thanks to Abang Chew hihihi we managed to do that.

Before Friday's class, we have to submit another mind map but individually on topic internal structures of procaryotes. Hmmph Until now, I have done nothing. Erghh too many works and i'm quite pressure now :'(

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