Sunday 21 September 2014

ASSIGNMENT oh nooooo!!!

Friday, 19th September 2014

"Adopt A Microbe". A project that Dr. Wan explains to us. I feel like I don't want to hear about it. "It's too hard", this phrase keeps appear in my mind. I just write down what she says in my note book without any ideas how to do it. But, what attracts me about this assignment is the augmented reality video she showed us. Too lazy to search in you tube hehehe

What we have to do for the project. Hmmph

For today's lesson, we continue to learn on Introduction To Microbial World. Some of the things that I remember are :
- differences and similarities of procaryote and eucaryote
- 5 groups of E.coli
- how bacteria with and without flagella or cilia move
-marine food chain
- saccharomyces, yeast uses in bread
- bacteria have magnetosomes
- the 5 kingdoms system
- bacteria that causes food poisoning
- microbes cannot be found in our blood
- giardia lamblia, protozoa in intestines
I wish I can bring a scanner and scan all the notes, then upload here hahaha.

On the next Monday we have replacement class. Arghh hate it. I hope I don't sleep in the class because it start from 2 pm until 5 pm. I can't wait to learn many more new things in microbial world~

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