Sunday 14 September 2014


Tuesday, 9th September 2014

Today is the first class of microbiology BMY3101. I feel quite excited huhu because this is the main subject in my course which is Bachelor in Science (Hons.) Microbiology. As the class started, one beautiful woman entered the class. She is our lecturer, Dr. Wan Zuhainis Saad. This is the 2nd time I met her after the course registration in the faculty during the orientation week. As what I have known, Dr. Wan is very energetic and have good skills in ICT. In this class only, she has introduced to us 1 website and 2 apps that can be useful throughout our studies which is, evernote and powtoon. She also asked us to register in, a website that used by all of the students in UPM. Now, let's move to the most important part for today's class. ASSIGNMENT. I hate this. Not just one, but two assignment have been given by Dr. Wan. We have to make a video about ourself and why we chose microbiology for our degree.Then, we have to upload it in youtube hahaha. Besides, we have to write a diary for every single microbiology class. So, tradadadaa! This is the reason why I create this blog kihkihkih. Microbiology really has changed me into a new person. When I just entered this new world, i've done so many new things. Make a video, upload video in youtube, create a blog. If I didn't be in this class, i will never do all this things. I hope I can enjoy learning microbiology subject. Thanks to ALLAH for putting me in this interesting microbial world~

LOL when I watch this video.

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