Friday 26 September 2014


Friday, 26th September 2014

The first thing that I remembered Dr. Wan has said is about our test on 10th October. Oh no!!! Just about two weeks from now.

Looks like I have to be serious on study. I want a great result as I have to prove that I have chose the right course to my parents who did not like me to be in microbiology field.  For today's class, I forgot to bring my External Structure of Procaryotes' notes because I only thought about the other notes which was the Internal Structure of Procaryotes. Just like you Dr. Wan hehehe. We learned about what written in the notes and I also got a few extra information from Dr. Wan.


As this is already the third week I write this diary, I really feel microbiology is very interesting. I have read but not remember some new attractive information while writing this diary. Thank you Dr. Wan. This diary give me more so much benefits.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

When I feel sleepy... zzZZzzZZ

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014

I feel bored for the first hour in today's class. We learned about types of staining. Seriously I said, it's a boring topic. But, this topic is very important for our laboratory class. So, I have no choice but to listen, understand and remember all the types of stains and their uses. Here are my messy notes hahaha. *Lazy to type because I'm sleepy right now

 So messy~

The next one hour we are asked by Dr. Wan to do a group work which is a mind map on external structure of procaryotes. This is what my group has done. But the sad think is Dr. Wan said that our image is not clear and have to be convert into pdf form which we don't know how. Thanks to Abang Chew hihihi we managed to do that.

Before Friday's class, we have to submit another mind map but individually on topic internal structures of procaryotes. Hmmph Until now, I have done nothing. Erghh too many works and i'm quite pressure now :'(


Monday, 22nd September 2014

Today's diary will be better than before. Why? Because I am jealous with the diary that Dr.Wan showed in class. This does not mean I want Dr. Wan to show my diary to everyone. I envy the diary's owner's effort to search more details and information about what we have learned. As this is the spirit that Dr. Wan want in everyone of us, I will try to have it in myself and make this diary as my kind of short notes.

Here it comes! As usual, before the class start once again I hear the word that I hate; ASSIGNMENT. There are a few changes on our project Adopt A Microbe. And know what, I have to do another assignment INDIVIDUALLY. I don't know what others feel but for me, I WANNA GO HOME NOW! Adopt A Microbe project has changed to Thank A Microbe, which will be more focusing on a microbe's application such as in food, environment, medical, agriculture and industry. Adopt A Microbe project still has to be done but individually I hate this and in a form of scrapbook.

  • Diary : Every Sunday before 11.59 pm
  • E-Portfolio : 21st December 2014
  • Decided microbe : 7th October 2014
  • Thank A Microbe : 18th October 2014
  • Adopt A Microbe : 9th December 2014
Fuhh! *Wipe forehead 

Now, let's see what I have learned. Today's topics are History Of Microbiology and Microscopy.


  • Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek - handcrafted-microscope, the first to observed single-celled organism(animalcules)
  • Robert Hooke - Micrographia, study on thin slices of cork, coined "cell", Cell Theory(all living thins are composed of cells)
  • Spontaneous generation(life arise spontaneously from non-living matter) vs Biogenesis( living cells can only arise from preexisting living cells) - Louis Pasteur
  • Robert Korh - Koch's Postulate
  • Edward Jenner - coined the term "vaccination"


Sunday 21 September 2014

ASSIGNMENT oh nooooo!!!

Friday, 19th September 2014

"Adopt A Microbe". A project that Dr. Wan explains to us. I feel like I don't want to hear about it. "It's too hard", this phrase keeps appear in my mind. I just write down what she says in my note book without any ideas how to do it. But, what attracts me about this assignment is the augmented reality video she showed us. Too lazy to search in you tube hehehe

What we have to do for the project. Hmmph

For today's lesson, we continue to learn on Introduction To Microbial World. Some of the things that I remember are :
- differences and similarities of procaryote and eucaryote
- 5 groups of E.coli
- how bacteria with and without flagella or cilia move
-marine food chain
- saccharomyces, yeast uses in bread
- bacteria have magnetosomes
- the 5 kingdoms system
- bacteria that causes food poisoning
- microbes cannot be found in our blood
- giardia lamblia, protozoa in intestines
I wish I can bring a scanner and scan all the notes, then upload here hahaha.

On the next Monday we have replacement class. Arghh hate it. I hope I don't sleep in the class because it start from 2 pm until 5 pm. I can't wait to learn many more new things in microbial world~

Wednesday 17 September 2014


Friday, 12th September 2014

Today is the second class of microbiology, which Dr. Wan has start to give lecture. But, before that she give us "To-do List" that contain things we should has for this subject. The things are SCL grouping, Google calendar, Edmodo, Padlet, Blendspace and Jing. But till now, I still didn't download the Jing. Hahaha Next, we learn about microbiology! There are a few things regarding today's class that I still remember. As example, benefits of microbes; digest food, pH treatment, as vaccine and for pharmaceutical drugs. Dr. Wan also mentioned about a fungus that produce penicillin (antibiotic). She wants us to ask the doctor in charge to write the name of antibiotic given to us in case we fall sick, so that there is something we can learn from it. Before class ends, Dr. Wan gives us 2-minutes-task where we have to write whatever we remember along the lesson in two minutes. Another one we do is "Muddiest Points". I don't know how to describe it. I just write that I am not familiar with all those microbes mentioned by her before hahaha. Actually, many new things we learned in this 2 hours class but, unfortunately my brain did not working well at that time. Hmmph So, this are the only things I remember. I hope I can get more knowledge in the next class.

Sunday 14 September 2014


Tuesday, 9th September 2014

Today is the first class of microbiology BMY3101. I feel quite excited huhu because this is the main subject in my course which is Bachelor in Science (Hons.) Microbiology. As the class started, one beautiful woman entered the class. She is our lecturer, Dr. Wan Zuhainis Saad. This is the 2nd time I met her after the course registration in the faculty during the orientation week. As what I have known, Dr. Wan is very energetic and have good skills in ICT. In this class only, she has introduced to us 1 website and 2 apps that can be useful throughout our studies which is, evernote and powtoon. She also asked us to register in, a website that used by all of the students in UPM. Now, let's move to the most important part for today's class. ASSIGNMENT. I hate this. Not just one, but two assignment have been given by Dr. Wan. We have to make a video about ourself and why we chose microbiology for our degree.Then, we have to upload it in youtube hahaha. Besides, we have to write a diary for every single microbiology class. So, tradadadaa! This is the reason why I create this blog kihkihkih. Microbiology really has changed me into a new person. When I just entered this new world, i've done so many new things. Make a video, upload video in youtube, create a blog. If I didn't be in this class, i will never do all this things. I hope I can enjoy learning microbiology subject. Thanks to ALLAH for putting me in this interesting microbial world~

LOL when I watch this video.