Saturday 29 November 2014

New Topics...

Tuesday,25th November 2014

Hallu~ :)

Today's story: 

The last class with our dean, Prof. Khaty, we learned a new topic. "The Epidemiology and Public Health Microbiology". It's kinda an interesting topic but there's a thing that I did not like included in it...numbers :'( Before, I think I always heard the term epidemiology and I thought it is a study about skin haha. But it is not. Epidemiology is a science that evaluates occurrence, determinants, distribution and control of health and diseases in a defined human population.

More about epidemiology:

1) Epidemiology
2) Epidemiologist
3) Example of epidemiology - WHO (HIV/AIDS Data and Statistics)

Friday 21 November 2014

I am so naughty~ XD

Friday, 21st November 2014

8.00 o'clock. Replacement class with Dr. Wan. We covered the Virus topic that she didn't teach us before. I understand more about this topic than the last time when I just read the notes to do the mind map hihi. It's really true that we can understand better if we have read what we going to learn before the class. I need to do this next time. Definitely. In sha Allah :)

11.00 o'clock. Microbe class with Prof. Khaty but I didn't attend it hehehe. Actually I wanted to go back home yesterday and skip all the classes for today but my mom didn't allow me. So sad :'( When I was eating after the replacement class, my friend called and told that our schoolmates came to UPM. Then, suddenly I remembered my actual plan. So, I just took a bus and went to K10 to meet my friends. Hehe this is what I always do during foundation whenever I feel stress. I always go back home or go to other universities which I have friends there. But here in UPM, this is the very first time. Instead of going home, I met my friends which make me happy. Arghh!!! I really want to go home now!!! It is a very naughty of me actually to skip a class but at least I can really laugh with them although it's just for a short time...

Blank..Fill It!

Tuesday, 18th November 2014

Today was the the third class with Prof Khaty. We learned about Mutation. Such an interesting topic. We learned what is mutation, types of mutation and how each type of mutation occur. But, I was a bit blur at that time. I have learned a little about this topic during foundation but during the class, I felt like I never heard about it before. I thought I cannot understand professor's language. Prof Khaty was a very experienced person in genetics so know hehehe. I was lost and my mind was so blank. I really need to study and fill all the blanks so that I can also answer the incoming Test 2 or otherwise it will be blank as same as my mind today. :D

Saturday 15 November 2014

Yihaa !!!

14 November 2014

I have waited so much for this day. We went to Shah Alam Convention Center (SACC). Yeayy!!! Some of our friends participated in NUCeL 2014 (National University Carnival For e-Learning) which are Choy, Chew, Megat, May Ling and Veronica. So, Dr. Wan promised to bring us together to see the carnival. This was a very good experience for me as a chance like this will not always I can get. I have saw some of the booth like Microbe In A Box from our Microbiology's seniors, I-Learn from UiTM (I'm an ex-UiTM student :D ) and an innovation about solat but I didn't remember from which university (I think it's from KUIS). After that, we have microbe's class on 3.00 pm. I was quite exhausted at that time and luckily Prof. Khaty ended the class early. We learned about gene expression for that class. The bad thing on that time was the weather was so bad. It's raining heavily and I was all wet when arrived at the college. Although it was like that, I'm satisfied with what I got today; new experience and new knowledges.

Friday 14 November 2014

Proud To Learn With The Dean ;D

11th November 2014

Today's class was a little bit different because Dr. Wan was not with us. We will be teaches by our faculty's dean, Datin Paduka Prof. Khatijah for four weeks and she will be teaching us Genetics topic. Yeayy !! I like this topic but it's hard for me actually. Hmmm.

So, let's talk about today's lesson with Prof. Khaty. She said that she has been stop give lecture for a long years. She tell us to bear with her as we might feel that her lecture is boring. Haha so cute and of course she is very kind. I think her way of teaching is just okay. Err, we still did not get the lecture notes so, I was a little bit lost at that time. But luckily this was the last topic (I think) that I learn during foundation. I can refreshed a bit about it as this is one of my favuorite topic. I hope I can learn well with Prof. Khaty since she has many experiences in this genetic field.

Sunday 9 November 2014

So Exciting !!!

Friday, 7th November 2014

Hi hi hi !! We meet again after almost a week hahaha. There was no microbiology class on last Tuesday. The Malaysian Nationhood class also has been cancelled. YAY!!I AM FREE FOR THE WHOLE DAY. Just wanna say this kekeke.

Me on that day.

But before our today's class begin, Dr. wan asked us to submit the mind map of viruses. So, here it is...

*zoom to read it.

In the class, guess what we did... We played games. So Exciting!!! But it was not only just games. We asked question about "The Structure Of Eukaryotes" in all of our games. I didn't take pictures that time but just by looking at this list of games, surely you know how happy we are.

1) Poison Box (Flagella, cilia & cytoplasm)
2) Role-play (Cell membrane)
3) Spin Your Ribosome (Ribosome)
4) Dart Quiz (Nucleus)
5) Jump Lysosome Jump (Lysosome)
6) Bingo (Vacoule)
7) Lucky Bottle(Smooth endoplasmic reticulum)
8) Wheel Decide (Rough endoplasmic reticulum)
9) Golgi Penalty (Golgi apparatus)
10) Quiz Oh Quiz (Mitochondria)

Dr. Wan said that we cannot refer to our notes during the game. But to be honest, I have cheated hihihi :D I downloaded the notes just before the class start so I didn't have time to read it. I also not really remember what I have learned during foundation. Well, the best solution to escape from the cruel punishments of the other groups is look at the notes. Sorry friends and sorry to myself also because of this bad attitude hmmm. Besides, I didn't really hear the questions asked and their answer, so that's why I kept looking the notes or otherwise I will just get back home with emptiness of knowledge. Err, nothing else to say I guess. Till then, bye.

Saturday 1 November 2014


31st October 2014

Say bye-bye to October because today is already it's last day. And say hi-hi to the upcoming November hahaha. What I want to say actually is time flew too fast. I still remember the day I registered in UPM in September but now, I have been here for 2 months. Pheww.

OK, let's just continue about today's lesson. Dr. Wan has reminded us many times to study about algae and fungi. She also told to bring our own devices, BYOD like she said in whatssap hehe. I thought she want to do some quiz for today so I try hard to read the notes at night.

During the lesson, Dr. Wan just taught us like usual. The things that I remember most about these two topics is the algae bloom and when she said that we have to just throw away the bread that has fungi on it. Why? It is because I think algae bloom is so beautiful but I never see this phenomena. The bread, hahaha I always do the opposite thing to what she said. It is such a wasteful to throw away the bread. Usually I or even my mother will just cut the defective parts.

After we finished each topic, Dr. Wan asked us to open the Putra LMS site. Hoho It's crossword puzzle. I like it but I don't remember the answer. I need to read a few times before I can really remember a lessons hmmph :( At first, I can access the website but suddenly what have I done in the puzzle disappear and I can't open the LMS anymore. Erghh so frustrated!!! Only when I went back to hostel I can send the tasks, luckily...