Wednesday 3 December 2014


Tuesday, 2nd December 2014

Bye-bye November, Hye December
Time flies too fast. It's December already. It means I got more works to do. The assignment that need to be submitted..the upcoming final exam..fuhhh breathless.

Today, we have class with Dr. Wan back. Yeayy!!! We learned about classification of microorganism. But before that, I want to show my group video about the NYAWA visit hehehe.

So, back to our lesson. Just quarter of the chapter that we could finish today. What we learned was:

! Taxonomy - classifying microorganism into groups based on
           - has three parts - 1) classification (arrangement of
                                  organism into taxon based on
                                  mutual similarities or
                                  evolutionary related)
                               2) identification (process of
                                  discovering and recording the
                                  traits of organism)
                               3) nomenclature (assignment of names
                                  to taxonomic groups in agreement
                                  with published rules)

! This is so important to remember

! Strain is subgroup of species with one or more characteristics
  that distinguish it from other subgroups of the same species
  - identify by - name or number or letter follows by specific
  - ways to describe - a) biovars
                       b) morphovars
                       c) serovars

After the class, Dr wan post a question in Edmodo for us to be answered. Here is mine.

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