Sunday 14 December 2014

New Things and New Terms to Remember :(

Wednesday, 10th December 2014

Today was a replacement class actually and we have it in Biotech 2.2. We moved into a new topic today but before that, as Dr. Wan promised she did a quiz for all of us according to the group. The quiz was based on the topic that we just finished yesterday. My group only get 5 marks out of 10. Hmm it's bad and I didn't helped much at that time :(

So, the new topic was Microbial Growth. I have printed the note and I wondered why the note was so thick? Is it going to be a long and hard topic? When I checked, it was full with pictures of experiment that has been done by our seniors and we also going to do the same experiments later. These help me to get to imagine how the microbiology lab subject will be going on.

Microbial Growth

Growth - refer to number of cell, not the size
Tolerance - survive under condition that they cannot grow

Phile - Specific conditions to grow
Tolerant - conditions which organism survive, but not necessarily grow

Physical requirements - 
1) light
2) temperature
3) pH
4) water activity
5) osmotic pressure

Chemical requirements -
1) electron donors
2) electron acceptors
3) micronutrient

We did not finish this chapter yet and will be continue it next week. Besides, Dr. Wan also mentioned about something interesting that I have never heard before.

Here it is!

Red coloured snow
Chlamydomonas nivalis

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