Friday 5 December 2014


Friday, 5th December 2014

Already the last day for week 11. Another 3 weeks to go before final.
- Reminder for myself -

Today's class we start with eating, as usual hehehe. Amplang, banana snack(?) and traditional kuih(don't remember the name). Then, right from the start Dr. Wan has gave us a work to do. A flashcard. I have make one before. But, this time we made it online by using computer, differ from the others always do. It's very interesting. It is not just a flashcard, but can be change into a quiz form, crossword and even funny games hehe.

After that, we create a quiz for all to answer. my group used to make a crossword puzzle. 

We also play the other groups quizzes which have been done using All of us were very very happy to play it. I never knew that there are such an interesting apps like it that can also be use in a class.

The activities that we have done today actually based on the topics that we will learn, Microbial Metabolism and Microbial Nutrition. There are many many terms that we have to memorize and understand in both topic. So, the flashcards and quizzes we made will help us in studying for the final exam that is just around the corner.

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