Thursday 4 December 2014

Being Hard-working Suddenly... xP

Thursday, 4th December 2014

We continued the lesson from the previous class, "Classification of Organism".

# Microbes' names usually describe about their characteristics. As     example:

~ shape

     - Streptococcus pneumoniae

~ where it is/was found

     - Lactococcus lactis, Thiomargarita namibiensis

~ who discovered it

     - Escherichia coli

~ what disease it cause

     - Bacillus anthracis

# Phylogenic vs phyletic classificatio


# Methods of classifying and identifying microorganism

   1- Morphological characteristics
       * cell type
       * shape & size
       * external/internal structure
       * cellular grouping
   2- Differential staining
       * gram stain
       * acid-fast stain
       * negative stain
       * endospore/flagella stain
   3- Biochemical test
       * Common - phenol red broth, gelatin test, mobility test, catalase test, lipase test
       * Rapid - standardation, speed, reproducibility, miniaturization, mechanization
   4- Serology
       * ELISA
       * western blotting
   5- Phage typing
   6- Fatty acid profiles
   7- DNA base composition
   8- DNA fingerprinting
   9- Nucleic acid hybridization
       * Southern blotting
       * DNA chips
       * ribotyping & ribosomal RNA sequencing
       * FISH

    After various analysis...

       - Dichotomous Keys
       - Cladograms

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