Friday 19 December 2014

Last Class...

Friday, 19th December 2014

Sobs sobs :’(

The very last lecture is today. Time flied too fast until we didn’t realize more than 3 months has passed. This is very sad.

But, lesson has to going on. We learned more about “Control of Microbial Growth” and also a new last topic which is “Antimicrobial Chemotheraphy”. This topic needs us to memorize many things as well. Fuh~ Around another two weeks we will sit the final exam for Microbiology and I don’t sure I can do this. Even when we play quizzes in , I couldn't answer much. Huarghh HELP ME!!!

Sigh :(

Thursday, 18th December 2014

     Today in microbiology class, we learned some calculation which I don’t like it. We calculated number of generation and also generation time.
No. of generation = [ log  no of cells(end) – log no of cells(beginning) ] / 0.301
Generation time = 60 min x hours / no of generation
Dr. Wan also gave us exercise about this part and we have to submit it. I took quite a long time to calculate it hehe. But, I still managed to submit it on time.

Next, we learned a bit about “Control of Microbial Growth”. There are so many terms to remember which I couldn’t imagine how I gonna memorize all that. *Sigh*


Tuesday, 16th December 2014

Another few days left before this semester end. Hmm...

Today we continued our lesson on isolation/culturing, mantaining and preserving microbes.

Sunday 14 December 2014

New Things and New Terms to Remember :(

Wednesday, 10th December 2014

Today was a replacement class actually and we have it in Biotech 2.2. We moved into a new topic today but before that, as Dr. Wan promised she did a quiz for all of us according to the group. The quiz was based on the topic that we just finished yesterday. My group only get 5 marks out of 10. Hmm it's bad and I didn't helped much at that time :(

So, the new topic was Microbial Growth. I have printed the note and I wondered why the note was so thick? Is it going to be a long and hard topic? When I checked, it was full with pictures of experiment that has been done by our seniors and we also going to do the same experiments later. These help me to get to imagine how the microbiology lab subject will be going on.

Microbial Growth

Growth - refer to number of cell, not the size
Tolerance - survive under condition that they cannot grow

Phile - Specific conditions to grow
Tolerant - conditions which organism survive, but not necessarily grow

Physical requirements - 
1) light
2) temperature
3) pH
4) water activity
5) osmotic pressure

Chemical requirements -
1) electron donors
2) electron acceptors
3) micronutrient

We did not finish this chapter yet and will be continue it next week. Besides, Dr. Wan also mentioned about something interesting that I have never heard before.

Here it is!

Red coloured snow
Chlamydomonas nivalis

Hmm... o,o

Tuesday, 9th December 2014

We have class today as usual. We learned about the Microbial Metabolism and Nutrition that we already read it roughly on last Friday. Many parts of these both chapter we have learned in foundation. So, it is not hard to understand them but to memorize...I got little problem with memorizing the lecture notes.

Things that I learned today:

Metabolism (Catabolic and Anabolic reaction)
Enzymes (Oxidoreductase, Transferase, Hydrolase, Lyase, Isomerase, Ligase)
Enzyme component (Apoenzyme, Cofactor, Holoenzyme)
Phosphorylation (Substrate level phosphorylation, Oxidative phosphorylation, Photophosphorylation)

Energy sources (Phototropgs, Chemotrophs)
Carbon sources (Autotrophs, Heterotrophs)
Electron sources (Organotrophs, Lithotrophs)

Besides, Dr. Wan also asked us to find  a few information and study our notes because she wanted to do a games the next day.


8th December 2014

Today was another special day for me and the other Microbiology students. We went to Seremban 2 for a study trip. We started our journey quite late, around 2 pm. We arrived at the Yakult factory after more than one hours in the bus. First, we went into the seminar room which we listed to the staff explainations about Yakult and it's benefits. 

Yakult is a probiotic dairy products made by fermenting a mixture of skimmed milk with a special strain of the bacterium Lactobacillus casei Shirota.

Lactobacillus casei Shirota is a bacterium that found in human intestine and mouth. It has a wide pH and temperature range. This type of bacteria also is the most used as probiotics.

Probiotics are microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed. According to Eli Metchnikoff,"the dependence of the intestinal microbes on the food makes it possible to adopt measures to modify the flora in our bodies and to replace the harmful microbes by useful microbes".

I learned many other things that day such as the benefits of Yakult which are can reduce the risk of getting cancer, give pretty skins, avoid constipation and many more. I also knew another types of bacteria which are Lactobacillus helveticus, Streptococcus thermophilus and Clostridium perfringens.

After that, we went into the factory side where we saw all the machines used to make the Yakult and how the process going on. This is how they produce Yakult there.

Friday 5 December 2014


Friday, 5th December 2014

Already the last day for week 11. Another 3 weeks to go before final.
- Reminder for myself -

Today's class we start with eating, as usual hehehe. Amplang, banana snack(?) and traditional kuih(don't remember the name). Then, right from the start Dr. Wan has gave us a work to do. A flashcard. I have make one before. But, this time we made it online by using computer, differ from the others always do. It's very interesting. It is not just a flashcard, but can be change into a quiz form, crossword and even funny games hehe.

After that, we create a quiz for all to answer. my group used to make a crossword puzzle. 

We also play the other groups quizzes which have been done using All of us were very very happy to play it. I never knew that there are such an interesting apps like it that can also be use in a class.

The activities that we have done today actually based on the topics that we will learn, Microbial Metabolism and Microbial Nutrition. There are many many terms that we have to memorize and understand in both topic. So, the flashcards and quizzes we made will help us in studying for the final exam that is just around the corner.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Being Hard-working Suddenly... xP

Thursday, 4th December 2014

We continued the lesson from the previous class, "Classification of Organism".

# Microbes' names usually describe about their characteristics. As     example:

~ shape

     - Streptococcus pneumoniae

~ where it is/was found

     - Lactococcus lactis, Thiomargarita namibiensis

~ who discovered it

     - Escherichia coli

~ what disease it cause

     - Bacillus anthracis

# Phylogenic vs phyletic classificatio


# Methods of classifying and identifying microorganism

   1- Morphological characteristics
       * cell type
       * shape & size
       * external/internal structure
       * cellular grouping
   2- Differential staining
       * gram stain
       * acid-fast stain
       * negative stain
       * endospore/flagella stain
   3- Biochemical test
       * Common - phenol red broth, gelatin test, mobility test, catalase test, lipase test
       * Rapid - standardation, speed, reproducibility, miniaturization, mechanization
   4- Serology
       * ELISA
       * western blotting
   5- Phage typing
   6- Fatty acid profiles
   7- DNA base composition
   8- DNA fingerprinting
   9- Nucleic acid hybridization
       * Southern blotting
       * DNA chips
       * ribotyping & ribosomal RNA sequencing
       * FISH

    After various analysis...

       - Dichotomous Keys
       - Cladograms

Wednesday 3 December 2014


Tuesday, 2nd December 2014

Bye-bye November, Hye December
Time flies too fast. It's December already. It means I got more works to do. The assignment that need to be submitted..the upcoming final exam..fuhhh breathless.

Today, we have class with Dr. Wan back. Yeayy!!! We learned about classification of microorganism. But before that, I want to show my group video about the NYAWA visit hehehe.

So, back to our lesson. Just quarter of the chapter that we could finish today. What we learned was:

! Taxonomy - classifying microorganism into groups based on
           - has three parts - 1) classification (arrangement of
                                  organism into taxon based on
                                  mutual similarities or
                                  evolutionary related)
                               2) identification (process of
                                  discovering and recording the
                                  traits of organism)
                               3) nomenclature (assignment of names
                                  to taxonomic groups in agreement
                                  with published rules)

! This is so important to remember

! Strain is subgroup of species with one or more characteristics
  that distinguish it from other subgroups of the same species
  - identify by - name or number or letter follows by specific
  - ways to describe - a) biovars
                       b) morphovars
                       c) serovars

After the class, Dr wan post a question in Edmodo for us to be answered. Here is mine.