Tuesday 19 May 2015


Week 11

We have three class for this week. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We learned four topics and we did an activity on Friday using new interesting apps.

My group (MayLing, Veron, Nuaim, Azny, Alia) and I presented about algae on Wednesday. Basically, algae is a plantlike protista and have many different division; chlorophyta, charophyta, euglenophyta, chrysophyta, phaephyta, rhodophyta, phaephyta and pyrrophyta. They live in three types of habitat which a planktonic, benthic and neustonic. Algae is either phototrophic or chemoheterotrophic. They reproduce through asexual (fragmentation, spore, binary fission) and sexual reproduction. Nowadays, algae is highl y used as a source of biofuel.

Fungi are a very interesting organism. They do not have chlorophyll and most of them are saphrophytes. They reproduce mainly using spores. However, many of them can have both sexual and asexual reproduction (budding, fragmentation, sporulation). There are 5 types of spore which a conidiospore, chlamydiospore, sporangiospore, arthrospore and blastospore. As same as algae, fungi also have many different division. The divisions are zygomycota, ascomycota, basidiomycota, chytridiomycetes, deutromycota, myxomycota, acrasiomycota and oomycota.Fungi can cause harmful to human such as ringworm and asthma but, they are more likely to be beneficial to us as they are really important in fermentation process and agents for bioremediation.

Protozoa are animal-like protist. Their morphology is very unique as they have ectoplasm, endoplasm, pellicle, nucleus and vacuoles. They feed as a chemoheterroyroph and saprozoic. They are motile and have pseudopodia, flagella and cilia as their locomotry organelles. They reproduce through asexual (binary fission) and sexual reproduction (conjugation). They are classified into seven clssification based on types of nuclei, mode of reproduction and mechanism of locomotoin. THe classifications are sacromastigophora, labyrinthomorpha, apicomplexa, microspora, ascetospora, myxozoa and ciliophora. 

Virus are obligatory intracellular parasite which means they need a living host to grow. They are classified based on nucleic acid type, strategy of replication and morphology. They can have either DNA or RNA, double or single stranded. Usually, they have capside, spikes and envelope which attach to cell wall, fimbriae or flagella of bacteria and plasma membrane of  animal cells. Baed on the morphology, they are classified into enveloped, complex, helical and polyhedral virus.

On Friday, we used edpuzzle.com to create a quiz in a video. It is very interesting and also a new form of attractive learning.

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