Wednesday 27 May 2015

Microbial Groups and Principles Of Ecology

This week we learn about Microbial Groups, Principles of Ecology and a bit intro in Biogeochemical Cycles.


* Microbial growth is based on the population size an interrelated with reproduction (binary fission, budding, fragmentation, spores, sexual reproduction)

* Requirements for development of microbial community
1) Physical requirements
   - light
   - temperature
   - pH
   - water activity and osmotic pressure
2) Chemicals requirements
   - water
   - carbon
   - oxygen
   - nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur
   - special growth requirement
   - trace elements

* Developement of microbial communities
- selection strategues
- succession
- biofilm


- the systematic study of organisms and their interactions with environment

- place where an organism can be found

Ecological niche
- a place where an organism performs best

Hierarchy in ecology
1) organism
2) population
3) community
4) ecosystem

Determinants of biosphere distribution of organism
- temperature
- water
- sunlight
- wind
- rocks and soil
- periodic disturbance

- dynamic balance of processes, materials and organisms in the ecoystem and biosphere

Flow of energy
Producers --> consumers --> decomposers

Roles of microbes in the ecosystem
- oxygen producer
- nitrogen fixer
- recyclers of dead materials
- source of food
- contribute to evolution

Approaches to effective ecosystem management
- stakeholders
- adaptive management
- natural resource management
- strategic management
- lanscape level conservation
- command and control management

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