Friday 5 May 2017


Hi guys!

This time, I will share my experience working on Virtual Microbes, a project where we collaborate with students from other local public universities to produce our final products.

3rd year students is in Biomedical Team as we take 3 related subjects for this semester; Immunology, Pathogenic Microbiology & Microbial Genetics. There are 10 members in my group. 4 of us from UPM, 4 students from UKM and another 2 students from UM.

We have to make a literature review based on the microbe that we choose. Salmonella spp. is  chosen by all of the group members as this bacteria is very well-known and well-studied. Thus, it is easy for us to find related articles.

Before producing the final products, we discuss on how to make it through various media such as Zoom, Popplet and Padlet. It is very helpful as we can share our ideas and suggestions with all the members. We did the online discussion through Zoom 2 times, but not everyone can join the 2nd discussion.

UPM's students already have experiences in producing literature review, however not for UKM and UM students. So, it must be a new knowledge for them. I also got to refresh back what Dr. Wan has taught us step-by-step in doing the LR last semester.

This is a very good project. However, not everything can be a good thing. Compared to the group that we collaborate last semester, this group made us had quite a hard time. Yes, the final product is hard to do but everything could be easier if everyone participate actively.

In my opinion, they might not think this project seriously because its mainly based under UPM. Plus, they might find this work disturbing since they are not familiar with all the apps that we used. They may find out how to use those things on their own but if they have no interest, it cannot be helped. I understand how they feel using those apps because at first when being introduced with the advanced technology in learning, I find it difficult too HEHE. Everyone is busy,  and having only short time in doing this............H.A.R.D.

Supposedly this chance could be a great opportunity for all of us to improve ourselves. Teamwork, participation, consideration to other members, effort in doing something and many other aspects should be improve; including myself :)

The idea of collaboration with other universities is totally great but maybe the way of doing it should be revised back for a better results. Since its virtual, its harder to do the discussion compared to face to face. The communication is limited too. Although there are many other medias to be used to discuss, I find it sometimes not really helping.

All in all, I had a great time learning new facts and knew many things about our pathogen:D and got few lesson learned through all the things happened while we do this Virtual Microbes.

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