Friday 17 April 2015


The first class of BMY3102 was on Wednesday, 25th February. Differ from the last semester, we have two lecturers for this course. The first one that taught us was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sieo Chin Chin. We learned two topics with her, which are Nomenclature and Classification and Immunology. Her class was very enjoyable and I also learned a lot. Here, these are the summary of the lessons…

Nomenclature and Classification

Taxonomy : 1. Nomenclature – assignment of names to taxonomic groups in agreement with
   published rules
                     2. Classification  - arrangement of organism into taxa based on mutual similarities or
                  evolutionary relatedness
                     3. Identification – process of discovering and recording the traits of organism.

1. Nomenclature
§  Common rules in nomenclature
-          Binomial nomenclature (genus + specific epithet)
-          Both underlined or italicized
-          Genus capitalized, species lowercase
-          Genus may be used without species
-          Abbreviation : Escherichia coli
       E. coli
       Enterococcus faecalis (En.faecalis)

       Escherichia coli (Es. coli)

§  Process of naming new bacteria

§  Ways to describe strain
-          Biovars: strain characterized by biochemical or physiological differences
-          Morphovars: differ morphologically
-          Serovars: distinctive antigenic properties
*Type strain – first strain studied and is more fully characterized but not necessarily
   the most representative member

2. Classification


PHENETIC                   PHYLOGENETIC                GENOTYPIC
  -      Numerical                                   - 16S rRNA                                                   - Other
       taxonomy                                   - Phylogenetic                                                   molecular
       (SSM & SJ)                                   tree                                                                  methods
   -         Dendogram

3. Identification


          -       Morphological (staining, external structure, cell inclusion, cell grouping)
         -       Physiological and metabolic
         -       Biochemical
         -       Ecological
         -       Immunologic test
         -       Phage typing
           -       Antibiotic profilling                   

            -          Amino acid sequencing
            -          Nucleic acid base composition (%GC by HPLC and Tm)
            -          Nucleic acid hybridization
            -          Nucleic acid sequencing
            -          Genomic fingerprint (MLSA, RFLP, ribotyping)
            -          Nucleic acid probe

            -          Plasmid fingerprinting


Bergeys Manual

Introduction to Immunology
*the topic that I love >,<

Immune system - defense system of individual against the thread of disease caused by infectious microorganism

Pathogen can be harm when :  gain access through the right roots
                                                 - attach to host cells
                                                 - persistence and evade to produce harmful changes

Organs of immune system - Primary lympoid organ
          • production of immune cells
          • maturation site for immune cells in the absence of antigen
          • e.g: bone marrow, thymus, bursa of Fabricius
                                           - Secondary lympoid organ
          • maturation site for antigen-driven immune cells
          • e.g: adenoid tonsil, lymph nodes, MALT
Cells of immune system

Types of immunity - non-specific immune response
        • external - skin
                                                      - mucous membrane
                                                      - normal microbiota
        • internal - physiological barrier

                                                - phagocytosis
                                                - inflammation
                                - specific immune response
        • humoral
        • cell-mediated

Lymphocytes - B cell : mature in bone marrow
                                      has immunoglobulin (recognized undigested antigen)

                        - T cell : mature in thymus
                                       has TCR (recognized processed antigen on MHC
                                       molecules on APC

Features of good antigen - high molecular weight
                                         - foreignness
                                         - complexity
                                         - biodegradable

Antibody - IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE

Humoral immunity
- How antibody gives protection

- Antibody response
  • Primary (latent period)

    1.    chemical and physical nature of antigen
    2.    adjuvants
    3.    dosage of antigen
    4.    frequency of antigen exposure
    5.    routes of administration
    6.    genetic makeup of host
  • Secondary - rapid increase in antibody titer
                            - longer persistence of antibody
                            - shortened latent period
                            - higher titer

Cell-mediated Immunity  -      CD8 cytotoxic T cell
                • Stages in granule exocytosis

                  1. recognition and binding of target cells
                  2. delivery of lethal hit
                  3. death of target cells
                  4. recycling of cytotoxic T cells
                                                                 -       Delayed-type hypersensitivity
                • Aims
                  1. recruit monocyte
                  2. keep monocyte/macrophage at infection site
                  3. activate monocyte and macrophage
                • Reaction
                  1. activation of CD4 T cells
                  2. migration of effector Th cells
                  3. recruitment and retentation of monocyte
                  4. activation of macorphage
