Tuesday 24 November 2015


22nd November 2015 (Sunday)

          Last Thursday and Friday was a very hectic yet memorable for me. An awesome event was held last two days which involved all the staffs and students of Department of Microbiology. It was called THE AWESOME MICROBES CARNIVAL. I was one of the committee members for this event. I was in the Publicity and Promotion Unit and I enjoyed worked with other seniors in this unit. I helped to promote this event by displaying our poster on the information television in the faculty, website of Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences and also the website of University Putra Malaysia. Besides, our unit helped Dr. Hidayah to bake cupcakes to be sold during the event. Unfortunately, I cannot joined them because I have another commitment to be done :(

          The first and third semester students did and exhibition about microbiology and the fifth and seventh semester students promoted and sold products related to microorganisms. My groups (Atikah, Azny, Alia, Mayling. Aishah, Eelyn) presented about ENDOSPORE. We prepared an A1 poster, an augmented reality video and a 3D model. We did get many informations as we read up on this topics. It was also a new knowledge and experiance for us to design a 3D model using applications such as 123D Design, SketchUp and AUTOCAD.

The video~
   Look who's drawing the endospore >,<

The poster~

The 3D model~

          During the event, there were also some 3D printers in the Panggung Percubaan. They printed our 3D models that time. Moreover, there are some microscopes placed in the Panggung Percubaan to give experiences to all the visitors to see the microorganisms. We also prepared many activity and games booths so that the visitors can learn more about microbiology. Each group from the First and Second Year students need to explain their poster to everyone that came to their booths. For me, I think that it is not easy to explained about what have we learned to other people especially the one that did not have any basic in science. There was one of the visitors that said to me, "You're so good. You can explained very well but its too scientific for me." Although I have tried to explain in the simplest way, I cannot make her understand well. Hmmm. However, that thing did not make me lost my strength! There were some of the visitors said that they gained some knowledges after we told them about the endospore. This made me really happy :)

          Personally, I believed this event has brought many advantages to all the students and all the visitors. It is such a great event. I hope that there are another series of event like this in the future!

Till then.